Public HearingsFebruary 19, 2025 - Planning & Zoning MeetingThe purpose of a Public Hearing:THE PURPOSE OF A PUBLIC HEARING
The purpose of public hearings is to provide an opportunity for citizens to provide and receive information associated with decisions to be made by the Planning & Zoning Commission, and City Council. These governing bodies rely on the information gathered at the public hearings to provide a comprehensive view on how the proposed application will impact the entire community. Public hearings are not intended to be confrontational or an intimidating process, but are intended to gather valuable information to aid in the decision-making process. Hearings on Planning and Zoning Code issues involving individual property rights MUST follow specific guidelines and application process to ensure a fair hearing and protect the rights of the applicant and other property owners who may be affected by the request. STEPS IN A PUBLIC HEARING
Quarterly Treasurer's Financial ReportDecember 2017
March 2018 June 2018 September 2018 December 2018 March 2019 June 2019 September 2019 December 2019 March 2020 June 2020 September 2020 December 2020 March 2021 June 2021 September 2021 December 2021 March 2022 June 2022 September 2022 December 2022 March 2023 June 2023 September 2023 December 2023 March 2024 June 2024 September 2024 December 2024 |
Public Notices
Community Health Academy
Contact: Karen Drown, Clerk
[email protected]
June 29, 2023
~ The Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health program provides opportunities for city and community leaders to explore how they can improve the health of their communities ~
Boise, Idaho – Mayor Pamela McClain and Karen Drown, City Clerk are participating in the Community Health Academy, a program of the Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health that helps attendees learn and understand the city’s important role in building healthy communities.
Community Health is a five-month learning collaborative that brings together leaders from Idaho communities to learn from local and national experts, collaborate with each other, and activate a program or project that improves the health of their community. The city will earn a $20,000 grant at the conclusion of the academy.
“We want to create a culture of health for our community, and I think about what it takes to get there. It’s overwhelming and I am sure it doesn’t happen overnight. I want to look at how we can identify the policies to put in place and find ways to leverage the financial aspect of creating something sustainable. I look forward to learning more about out of the box thinking and networking with other cities comparable to Buhl in size. Community health is very important, and I feel it is a privilege to attend the 2023 academy.”
The academy will launch on Friday, June 23 at the Association of Idaho Cities annual conference, then include sessions in July, August, September and October. The academy uses a hybrid model with some sessions done in person and some virtually. Topics addressed during the academy include childcare, civility, early education, communications and branding, designing health communities, food systems, and housing.
“Community Health Academy is one of our most impactful programs because most mayors and elected officials learn how their actions can help build healthy communities,” said Courtney Frost, senior program officer for the Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health. “The academy includes grant funding, so cities will have the resources to launch a project or program that will improve the health of communities in Idaho.”
Community Health Academy has been offered by the Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health since 2017. There have been 24 Idaho communities that have attended the previous five cohorts of the academy.
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About the Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health
The Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health, Inc., is a nonprofit charitable foundation established in 2001 by Blue Cross of Idaho. The Foundation is dedicated to giving back to Idaho and addressing the root causes that impact health. Learn more at
[email protected]
June 29, 2023
~ The Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health program provides opportunities for city and community leaders to explore how they can improve the health of their communities ~
Boise, Idaho – Mayor Pamela McClain and Karen Drown, City Clerk are participating in the Community Health Academy, a program of the Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health that helps attendees learn and understand the city’s important role in building healthy communities.
Community Health is a five-month learning collaborative that brings together leaders from Idaho communities to learn from local and national experts, collaborate with each other, and activate a program or project that improves the health of their community. The city will earn a $20,000 grant at the conclusion of the academy.
“We want to create a culture of health for our community, and I think about what it takes to get there. It’s overwhelming and I am sure it doesn’t happen overnight. I want to look at how we can identify the policies to put in place and find ways to leverage the financial aspect of creating something sustainable. I look forward to learning more about out of the box thinking and networking with other cities comparable to Buhl in size. Community health is very important, and I feel it is a privilege to attend the 2023 academy.”
The academy will launch on Friday, June 23 at the Association of Idaho Cities annual conference, then include sessions in July, August, September and October. The academy uses a hybrid model with some sessions done in person and some virtually. Topics addressed during the academy include childcare, civility, early education, communications and branding, designing health communities, food systems, and housing.
“Community Health Academy is one of our most impactful programs because most mayors and elected officials learn how their actions can help build healthy communities,” said Courtney Frost, senior program officer for the Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health. “The academy includes grant funding, so cities will have the resources to launch a project or program that will improve the health of communities in Idaho.”
Community Health Academy has been offered by the Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health since 2017. There have been 24 Idaho communities that have attended the previous five cohorts of the academy.
# # #
About the Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health
The Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health, Inc., is a nonprofit charitable foundation established in 2001 by Blue Cross of Idaho. The Foundation is dedicated to giving back to Idaho and addressing the root causes that impact health. Learn more at
Buhl Municipal Airport
The City of Buhl hereby announces its proposed Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation goal of 2.52% for FAA-funded contracts/agreements. The proposed goal pertains to federal fiscal years 2024 through 2026. A teleconference will be held from 9:30 am to 10:30 am local time on June 28, 2023 for the purpose of consulting with stakeholders to obtain information relevant to the goal-setting process. The telephone number for this teleconference is 1-929-229-5346 and the participant code is 205958661#.
The City of Buhl hereby announces its proposed Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation goal of 2.52% for FAA-funded contracts/agreements. The proposed goal pertains to federal fiscal years 2024 through 2026. A teleconference will be held from 9:30 am to 10:30 am local time on June 28, 2023 for the purpose of consulting with stakeholders to obtain information relevant to the goal-setting process. The telephone number for this teleconference is 1-929-229-5346 and the participant code is 205958661#.