Buhl City Council consists of an elected mayor and four elected council members. City elections take place every two years in odd number years. Each council seat is a four year term unless appointed in the middle of a term. Which at the next city election that seat would be up for election of a two year term. If no council member has been appointed only two council seats will be up for election at given elections.
May, 1911 Charles Wetherbee April, 1913 E.W. Byrne September, 1915 H.W. Herman June, 1917 E.B. Johnson August, 1917 W.A. Amos January, 1918 W.A. Amos June, 1919 Chas H. McQuown April, 1920 N.O. Thompson October, 1921 A.F. McClusky August, 1927 J.A. Howard June, 1929 L.J. Johnson June, 1931 E.M. Thomlinson June 1935 H.A. Deneal April, 1937 Gan L. Thompson April, 1939 C.C. Voeller April, 1943 C.C. Voeller April, 1945 C.C. Voeller Resigned 3.30.46 May, 1946 C.D. Boring Appointed Mayor April, 1947 Leonard Ahmquist April, 1949 Dr. Fred A Kallusky April, 1951 J. Ray Rugg August, 1951 Thomas L. Smith Appointed Mayor April, 1953 James W. Hart April, 1955 M.J. Ambrose April, 1957 Frank N. Squires April, 1959 William Aldrich April, 1961 William Aldrich November 1963 - First Election in November - Sworn into office in January January, 1964 Reed P. Maughan January, 1966 Reed P. Maughan January, 1968 Dr. M.W. Thompson January, 1970 Dr. M.W. Thompson January, 1972 Theo R. Pence January, 1974 Theo R. Pence January, 1976 Dale I. Christensen January, 1978 Dale I. Christensen January, 1980 Kelly Houk October, 1980 Dale I. Christensen Appointed Mayor January, 1982 James Barker January, 1986 Claude McKercher September, 1988 Tom Tappen Appointed Mayor January, 1990 Theo R. Pence January, 1994 Theo R. Pence January, 1998 Barbara A. Gietzen January, 2006 Charles L. Sheridan January, 2010 Tom McCauley January, 2022 Pam McClain